ID #: 60
Title, Uniform: Cardiganshire C1
Title: CARDIGAN SHYRE / DESCRIBED / With the due forme of the Shiretown / as it was surveyed by I. S. Anno 16?0
Map-Maker: Speed
Publisher/Seller: Performed by John Speede, And are to be Solde in Popes head alley against the Exchange / by Iohn Sudbury and George Humbell. Cum Privilegio. Anno Domini 1610
Engraver: Jodocus Hondius
Plate Date: 1610
Date of Publication: 1611
Inset Map: TL Cardigan
Date Acquired: 21Oct2005
Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image
Height (cm): 38
Width (cm): 51
Media Type: Sheet Map - Folio