Max's ChopsThis is a very simple way to prepare outstanding barbecued pork chops. The recipe was chosen as a weekly winner (1st Week July 2009) by Cattleman's Barbecue Sauce. James Speed Hensinger
July 2009 Week 1 Jim Hensinger Westminster, CO Max's Chops
The name of the dish comes from Maximillion, a bullmastiff and my best friend. I once dropped one of these chops on the patio, and it never hit the floor. CHOMP! Brine: 5 tablespoons kosher salt (or 2 1/2 tablespoons table salt) 2 cups water (hot) Use first to dissolve the salt. 2 cups water (cold) Add after salt is dissolved. 1/4 cup or more of Cattlemen's Award Winning Classic BBQ sauce per chop. 1 large center cut or pork loin chop per person with T-bone. (Have chops cut 2" thick.) 1 large sweet onion for each pair of chops. (3 - 4" in diameter) 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil per chop. 2 3"-4" turkey skewers per chop. 1 clean plastic grocery bag. Ask the market for several unused bags. Check for holes along the bottom seam. Salt and freshly ground black pepper. PREPARATION: Mix the brine in a sauce pan. At least one hour (but not more than two hours) before cooking, immerse the chops in the brine. Refrigerate. If making a large number of chops, make more brine. Slice the onion(s) through the thickest part to obtain two large whole slices 1/4" thick, and peel the slices. Reserve the remainder of the onion for another dish. One slice per chop. Insert two 3"-4" turkey skewers at 90 degrees from each other through the rim and across the center of each slice. The skewers will hold the rings of the onion slice together during cooking. Place the slices of skewered onion on a rimmed plate and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil. Apply freshly ground black pepper and salt to each slice. Carry to the grill on the plate. Before grilling the chops, rinse them under running cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Slash the edge fat in several places. Place the chops in the grocery bag and drizzle with olive oil. Gently shake the bag to distribute the oil. Place the bag on a rimmed plate. (The sharp bone tips may have pierced the bag.) GRILLING: Preheat the gas/charcoal grill. While the grill pre-heats, place the onion slices on the grill. When the onions are taking on a color, turn them with tongs. Remove to a plate when they have grill marks and are translucent. Start the chops over high heat with the lid down. Turn after two-three minutes. If burning fat flames up, move the chops to a new location on the grill, but keep grilling on high heat until meat is browned and the edge fat is cooked. Stand the chops on edge on the flat of the T-bone perpendicular to the grill bars and cook for three minutes. The bone will conduct heat into the meat. Turn the grill down to a low setting, or remove some briquettes to obtain a lower heat. Remove the partially cooked chops to a plate. Turn the chops so that the least cooked side is down and place one whole slice of onion on each chop. Then pull out the skewers with two forks. One fork is hooked on the metal loop of the skewer, the other controls the onion. Using a spatula, place the chops with onion back on the grill. Smother the onion and chop in Cattlemen's Award Winning Classic BBQ sauce. Close the grill lid, and slow roast until the meat is done. Depending on the thickness of the chops, 10 - 20 minutes. If necessary, use a meat thermometer inserted in the thickest portion and cook until it registers 145. Enjoy!