ID #: 100
Title, Uniform: Wales - Glamorganshire
Title: GLAMORGAN SHYRE / With the sittuations of the cheife towne Cardyff / and ancient Landaffe described.
Map-Maker: Speed
Publisher/Seller: Performed by Iohn Speede And are to be sold by / Thomas Bassett in Fleerstreet, and Richard / Chiswell in S't Pauls Churchyard
Engraver: Jodocus Hondius
Plate Date: 1610
Date of Publication: 1676
Inset Map: TR = town = LANDAFFE TL = town = CARDYFE.
Date Acquired: September 18, 2016
Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image
Height (cm): 38
Width (cm): 51
Media Type: Sheet Map - Folio