ID #: 61
Title, Uniform: Suffolk
Title: SUFFOLKE described / and divided into Hundreds, The Situa : / tion of the fayre towne Ipswich Shewed, / with the Armes of the most noble fami: / lies that have bene either Dukes, or Earles / both of that Countie as also of Cla're.
Map-Maker: Speed
Publisher/Seller: Performed by Iohn Speede and are to be solde by / Thomas Bassett in Fleetstreet and Richard / Chiswell in St. Pauls Churchyard
Plate Date: 1610
Date of Publication: 1676
Inset Map: TC Ipswich (town)
Date Acquired: 20Jul2009
Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image
Height (cm): 38
Width (cm): 50
Media Type: Sheet Map - Folio