ID #: 80
Title, Uniform: Herefordshire
Title: HEREFODSHIRE described / With the true plot of the Citie Hereford, as also the / Armes of thes Nobles that have bene inituled with / that Dignity_
Map-Maker: Speed
Publisher/Seller: Performed by Iohn Speede And are / to be Solde by Roger Rea the Elder and younger at the Golden Crosse in Cornhill against the Exchange
Plate Date: none
Date of Publication: 1665
Inset Map: TR town = Hereford
Date Acquired: 7/11/2010
Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image  Image
Height (cm): 38
Width (cm): 50
Media Type: Sheet Map - Folio